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This App can move updated Systemapps Like Maps,Market or Search, back to /system

This App can move updated Systemapps Like Maps,Market or Search, back to /system/app and save space on /data/app for this is *** ROOT *** required !! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=19625898 ### if something doesnt work Please use the "SendDump" function of SystemCleanup and write me a short description ### *best system / cache cleaner in market ;o) hold your system clean and free of bloatware. disable autostart / autorun of apps and services and ... Features: -Freeze/Remove Bloatware (it include a short description of common Apks) -Move Userapps to /System/App to save Space -Completely Odexfile aware (it shows the odex/dalvik file in detailview) -Odex Apps directly On Phone to save Space on /data -you'll get a notification if such an app is updated via Market -cleanup App cache -cleanup *dead* "/data/data//*.*" folder if apk is removed -cleanup "/system/etc/product/applications/*.*" -cleanup "/system/etc/customization/applications" -cleanup ".android_secure/smdl2tmp1.asec" -cleanup empty or duplicated Playlists -cleanup dalvik-cache remove unused classes.dex files -**automaticly checks for updated systemfiles wenn a package is updated (i.e. market) and shows a notify if a package exists in /system AND /data. (systemcleanup doesnt need to run in background! it register itself for 'package_replaced' intent ;o) ** -shows memoryusage of running apps -search for unknown packagenanme with Google on a Single Click -you can send me an updated/missing description for a System.apk per eMail ;o) -in settings you can set the default installation location for packagemanager (auto,internal,sdcard) -enable disable Activities and Services (i.E. disable the "Latitude" component of Maps if you dont need it) -enable disable Autoruns -Freeze items by PackageManager "disable component" or simply by rename with undescore -added /system/vendor/app as systempath -added /vendor/overlay/framework to cleanup paths -backup/restore function for apk+data -show apps installed on sdcard to manage autoruns -added "Move app to Sdcard" -restore only the apk or only the app data now -negate the search with an "!" as first char -send your backups to you google drive, dropbox, bluetooth, wifi direct or just via email. -restore your backups i.e. directly from your google drive ;) -added the MEDIA_BUTTON to autostarts menu (to prevent the wrong (media)app to start on headsetbutton) -added App Descriptions for Samsung Galaxy S3 -added support for Alcatel Phones update version 3.35: -added zipalign update version 3.37: -added support for android 4.2 "/data/app-lib" update version 3.42: -added "translate description" function update version 3.44: -added option to disable zipalign (do not enable this on lowend phones!) update version 3.57: -systemcleanup can now do automaticly/planned autocleanups. it listen for a sendBroadcast(new Intent("com.SystemCleanup.Inteks.org.AUTOCLEANUP")); (this can be used i.e. in my tool smartQRTags) update version 4.00: -complete refactoring of internal root access lib (big speed improvment) update version 4.10: -it now fully support symlinks now -you can move files directly from vendor to system without moving them to data first -added /preload partintion update version 4.12: -haptic feedback on contextmenu only if enabled in systemsettings update version 4.18: -added "reinstall apk" to reinstall app if i.e. not working in /system/app -added memory detailinfo on click memorybar update version 4.24: -added /flex/app as vendor location update version 4.54: -autostart of systemcleanup only if really needed update version 4.71: -support for 4.3/4.3 -you can search now for i.e. all system apps without libs "system -libs" -it shows symlinks in the list with i.e. ">system" update 4.78: -made the contextmenu less transparent -added the option to explorer the selected Item with i.e SolidExplorer 这个程序可以将更新Systemapps像地图,市场或搜索,返回到/系统/应用程序,并节省/数据/应用程序的空间 这是*** ROOT ***要求! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=19625898 ###如果事情不工作,请使用SystemCleanup的“SendDump”功能,并给我写一个简短的描述### *最佳的系统/高速缓存清洁市场; O)保持您的系统干净和自由的英国媒体报道。应用程序和服务的禁用自动启动/自动运行和... 产品特点: -Freeze/Remove的Bloatware(它包括常见的apk的简短说明) - 移动Userapps到/系统/应用程序,以节省空间 - 完全Odexfile知道(它显示的DetailView的ODEX / Dalvik的文件) - Odex的应用程序直接在手机储存空间上/数据 - 你如果这样一个应用程序是通过市场得到更新的通知 - 清除应用程序缓存 - 清理*死*“/数据/数据​​/的 / *。*”文件夹中,如果apk文件被删除 - 清理“/系统/ etc /产品/应用/ *。*” - 清理“/系统/ etc /定制/应用” - 清理“.android_secure/smdl2tmp1.asec” - 清理空或重复播放列表 - 清理的Dalvik缓存中删除未使用的classes.dex文件 - **全自动检查更新systemfiles德恩一个软件包被更新(即市场),并显示一个通知,如果一个包存在于/ system和/数据。 (systemcleanup并不需要在后台运行,它自身注册为'package_replaced的意图;!O)** - 显示正在运行的应用程序的MemoryUsage 搜索未知packagenanme与谷歌在一个单一的点击 - 你可以给我一个更新/缺失说明每个电子邮件发送给System.apk; O) - 在设置中可以设置packagemanager默认安装位置(自​​动,内部SD卡) - 启用禁用活动和服务(即禁用地图的“纬度”组件,如果你不需要它) - 启用禁用自动运行 - 冻结PackageManager“禁用组件”或项目仅仅通过undescore重命名 - 添加/系统/供应商/应用程序作为systempath - 添加/供应商/叠加/框架的清理路径 -backup/restore功能的apk +数据 安装在SD卡来管理自动运行出现应用程序 - 增加了“移动应用程序到SD卡” - 只恢复APK或者只是现在的应用程序数据 有“!”,否定搜索作为第一个字符 - 将备份发送到你的Google Drive,Dropbox的,蓝牙,WIFI直接或只是通过电子邮件。 - 恢复你的备份,即直接从您的谷歌驱动器;) - 增加了MEDIA_BUTTON到时自动启动菜单(以防止错误的(媒体)应用程序来启动headsetbutton) - 添加应用程序描述为三星Galaxy S3 阿尔卡特手机,增加了支持 更新的版本3.35: 增值zipalign 更新的版本3.37: - 增加了对Android的4.2“/数据/应用程序,库”的支持 更新的版本3.42: - 增加了“翻译说明”功能 更新的版本3.44: - 添加选项来禁用zipalign(不要lowend手机启用此!) 更新的版本3.57: - systemcleanup现在可以做全自动/计划autocleanups。它侦听 sendBroadcast(新意图(“com.SystemCleanup.Inteks.org.AUTOCLEANUP”)); (这可即用在我的工具smartQRTags) 更新的版本4.00: 内部root访问权限的lib的完成重构(大速度改良效果) 更新的版本4.10: - 现在完全支持现在的符号链接 - 您可以直接从供应商到系统移动文件,而不用先将移动到数据 - 添加/预紧partintion 更新的版本4.12: 只有在systemsettings中启用文本菜单上,触觉反馈 更新的版本4.18: - 增加了“重新安装apk文件”,重新安装应用程序,如果即不工作在/系统/应用程序 添加的内存detailinfo上点击memorybar 更新的版本4.24: - 添加/柔性/应用程序(作为卖方)位置 更新的版本4.54: 只有当真正需要systemcleanup的,自动启动 更新的版本4.71: 为4.3/4.3支持 - 你可以搜索现在没有库“系统库”,即所有的系统应用 - 它显示在列表中,即符号链接“>系统” 4.78更新: 国产的文本菜单透明度较低 - 添加到资源管理器中选定的项目与即SolidExplorer选项
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更新:2015-02-14 00:45:01






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