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Toy Defense 2 is the long-awaited sequel to the multi-million-download tower def

Toy Defense 2 is the long-awaited sequel to the multi-million-download tower defense hit Toy Defense! Set in World War 2, this action/strategy game is packed with more td levels, amazing fighting features, a big selection of shooting units for each world, and more intense action than ever. Take part in various missions in a range of theaters of war, from the picturesque beaches and forests of Normandy to the deserts of northern Africa. The most epic battles of WW2 await you! Recruit, upgrade, and manage your troops to create your own powerful army! Put towers into action and defend your base, fight off invading enemies, and develop your own winning strategy! GAME FEATURES: - Classic tower defense gameplay with excellent level design and stunning artwork - Over 200 missions on a variety of World War II maps - Tournament Mode: login with Facebook and compete with your friends - Compete with other commanders in an exciting new game mode – PvP! - Now your Facebook friends can help you in battle and become heroes under your command - Masterful reconstruction of the most decisive battles of WW2 – the Battle of Iwo Jima, Operation Crusader, the Battle of Stalingrad, and Operation Overlord - A set of unique combat units for each world inspired by real weapons and vehicles used in WW2 - Unlockable upgrade tree with multiple improvements for each fighting unit - New amazing power-ups to aid you in battle - Unlimited potential for collecting hero units - A brand new in-game notification center to keep you up to date with special offers, game events, upcoming updates, and much more - No ads! With Toy Defense’s unique spin on military strategy having become a proven success among gamers, the sequel Toy Defense 2 is sure to be a great find for anyone who enjoys tower defense, action, and strategy games. Follow us for the updates! http://www.facebook.com/ToyDefense http://www.Melesta-Games.com http://www.twitter.com/MelestaGames Be sure to check out our other games! ---------------------------------------------- Still undecided? You can always try the free version before buying the full game. ---------------------------------------------- Toy Defense 2 je dolgo pričakovano nadaljevanje multi-milijonov-prenesi obrambni stolp udaril Toy obrambo! Postavljena je v 2. svetovni vojni, je ta ukrep / strateška igra, pakiran z več ravneh, td, neverjetno funkcij požarov, velik izbor streljanje enot za vsako svetu, in bolj intenzivno ukrepanje kot doslej. Sodelujejo v različnih misijah v različnih gledališčih vojne, od slikovitih plaž in gozdov Normandiji v puščavah severne Afrike. Najbolj epske bitke WW2 čakajo na vas! Recruit, nadgradnjo in upravljanje svoje čete, da ustvarite svojo močno vojsko! Put stolpi v akcijo in braniti svoje baze, boj proti off osvajačkom sovražniki, in razvijati svojo zmagovalno strategijo! Game lastnosti: - Classic obrambni stolp igranja z odlično zasnovo ravni in osupljive umetnine - Več kot 200 misij na različnih svetovno vojno zemljevidov - Način turnir: prijavite se s Facebook in tekmujejo s prijatelji - Tekmujejo z drugimi poveljniki v razburljivo novo načinu igre - PvP! - Zdaj vas lahko vaši Facebook prijatelji pomagajo v bitki in postanejo junaki pod vašim poveljstvom - Mojstrska rekonstrukcija najbolj odločilnih bitk 2. svetovne vojne - Bitka za Iwo Jima, operacija križar, bitki za Stalingrad, in Operacija Overlord - Nabor edinstvenih bojnih enot za vsak svet zgleduje po resničnih orožja in vozil, ki se uporabljajo v WW2 - Unlockable nadgradnjo drevo z za vsako bojno enoto številnimi izboljšavami - Nove neverjetne power-ups, da vam pomoč v bitki - Neomejen potencial za zbiranje junak enot - Čisto nov center v igri obvestilo, da vas sproti dopolnjuje s posebnimi ponudbami, dogodke v igri, prihajajoče posodobitve, in še veliko več - Brez oglasov! Z Toy obrambo edinstven spin o vojaški strategiji, ki je postal dokazano uspeh med igralci, nadaljevanje Toy Defense 2 je prepričan, da bo veliko odkritje za vsakogar, ki uživa stolp obrambo, ukrepe in strategije igre. Sledite nam za posodobitve! http://www.facebook.com/ToyDefense http://www.Melesta-Games.com http://www.twitter.com/MelestaGames Bodite prepričani, da preverite naše druge igre! ---------------------------------------------- Še vedno neodločen? Vedno lahko preizkusite brezplačno različico pred nakupom polno igro. ----------------------------------------------
- An absolutely new and exciting mode – PvP has been added to the game! Compete with other players all over the planet! Become the best commander in your country and in the whole world! - Take advantage of the improved performance and stable gameplay!
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更新:2015-11-10 17:59:46



标签:塔防 玩具



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